91-year-old Taiwanese singer Lin Chong, who fell on his face in May, fractures hip in another fall

Nathaniel Fetalvero
Sept 18, 2024

Taiwanese singer Lin Chong, 91, is recovering in hospital after a nasty fall at home left him with a fractured hip.

The singer, best known for his flamboyant outfits and energetic stage presence, underwent emergency surgery to replace his hip joint and is currently unable to walk.

“I was supposed to leave for Japan on September 10 to film a program,” he shared.

“A few days before departure, I was packing my luggage in the bedroom when a document clipped to my passport fell to the floor.

“I bent down to pick it up and as I reached out, I lost my balance and crashed to the floor, landing right on my hip. It was horrendously painful.”

According to Shin Min Daily News, Lin initially dismissed the fall as a minor mishap.

“I instinctively grabbed the armrest of a chair, trying to pull myself up,” he explained.

“But I couldn’t get up and the pain in my hip was excruciating. I cried out and my manager, who was in the next room, rushed in. He saw me sprawled on the floor and immediately told me not to move. He then called for an ambulance.”

Doctors at the hospital diagnosed Lin with a fractured hip, requiring immediate surgery. Thankfully, the procedure was a success and his condition is stable. But he is facing a lengthy recovery process.

“I’ve been in the hospital for 10 days,” he lamented. “Even after I'm discharged, I’ll need regular physiotherapy. A lot of my work has had to be put on hold, including the trip to Japan.”

The Japan trip held special significance for Lin, who was invited to film a program looking back on his early career in the country.

The singer had previously studied, performed in musicals and even acted in Japanese television dramas while living there. He later signed with Nippon Columbia, releasing several albums under the label.

“This trip was meant to be a nostalgic journey through my time in Japan's entertainment industry,” he shared. “

After that, I was scheduled to return to Taiwan to continue filming. But now everything has to be postponed. I don’t even know for how long.”

Adding to his woes, Lin also had to cancel several upcoming performances.

“Some of the shows can't be rescheduled, so I have no choice but to find replacements,” he said.

This latest incident is just one in a string of unfortunate events for the singer this year.

“My luck hasn’t been good,” he admitted. He shared that in May, he took a tumble while undergoing physiotherapy in Taichung, injuring his face.

“I was walking in the carpark after dinner with my doctor when I tripped and fell, landing on my face. Half my face was bruised and bloody. It was quite a scare.”

Fortunately, the injury did not require stitches.

“The doctor said I just needed to apply pressure to the area,” Lin explained.

“If I’d needed stitches, I would have been left with a scar. I was most worried about breaking my nose – a scar from that would have been awful. Thankfully, everything turned out alright.”

Despite facing health challenges in recent years, including surgery for artery blockage in his left leg last year, Lin remains passionate about performing.

When asked if he’s considered retiring, his answer was a resolute “no”.

“I still receive quite a few offers for performances,” he said, adding that he still has a passion for singing and performing.