Help: Resident leaves bag of clothes outside Bedok flat for laundry shop, but stranger takes it

Submitted by Stomper Kelly

This story was submitted via Web contribution form.

She left a bag of clothes outside her flat for the laundry shop to pick up.

However, an unidentified man took the bag instead.

Stomper Kelly is looking for the man following the incident at Block 37 Bedok South Avenue 2 on Sept 11.

She said: "The bag contains newly-bought winter wear for my family. One of the items is also my late dad's favourite blazer."

Kelly told Stomp that she does not recognise the "random guy" who took her laundry, nor does she know which company he is from.

She explained: "The laundry shop that I arranged with was supposed to come between 12-2pm, but they called and informed me that there was no bag outside the unit.

"I checked and discovered that a guy had picked up my items at 10.30am. I shared the man's image with the laundry shop and they confirmed he was not their delivery guy.

"I've posted notices at my block but haven't received any response. I would greatly appreciate your help in connecting with the right driver or someone who knows him."

If you have any info about the incident, kindly contact Stomp at or WhatsApp us at 9384 3761.

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