Man jailed for having sex with girl, 13, and molesting her younger sister

Adeline Tan
The New Paper
April 11, 2019

He had sex with his 13-year-old girlfriend at least six times, and also molested her 11-year-old sister.

Yesterday, the 25-year-old man was jailed 30 months on two counts of having sex with a minor under 14 and molesting the younger girl.

His offences came to light when the older girl's mother discovered her chatting with the man about sex and sending nudes.

She admitted to her mother she had sex with him multiple times.

There is a gag order on him to protect the identities of the victims.

The man first met the older girl through an online game in late 2014.

They later communicated via WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger.

Shortly later, he asked her to be his girlfriend.

They had sex at least six times and she also sent him pictures and videos of her nude.

In July 2015, the pair met at a coffee shop near her secondary school and he brought her to a sports and recreation centre to have sex with her.

They had sex in a handicapped toilet on the sixth storey.

In September 2015, he asked to meet her at the sport facility, where they had sex in the same toilet four times that day.

Earlier that month, he asked her to go to his home. She agreed, and took her younger sister with her, who was 11 at the time.

The older girl went into his bedroom and left her sister in the living room. The man then locked his bedroom door.

After 10 minutes, the second victim, feeling scared, knocked on the door.

He came out and took her to another bedroom. He then sat with her on the bed and kissed her.

The older girl broke up with him in late 2015 after she felt he was using her for sex.

The man, who was unrepresented in court, was also convicted of other offences under the Tobacco Act and was fined $15,000.

In 2016 and 2017, he had posted pictures of e-cigarettes for sale online, and gave false information to an authorised officer, and tried to sell tobacco products.

He had 13 other charges taken into consideration during sentencing.

He said he was remorseful and was young then. He got married last year and has a "wonderful marriage" and would be getting the keys to his flat in a year.

The New Paper

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