Teenage dishwasher had unprotected sex with 3 underage girls, used drugs

David Sun
The New Paper
March 29, 2019

He had unprotected sex with three underage girls, one in each year from 2016 to 2018. Two were 13 and another was 15 when he had sex with them.

The dishwasher, now 18, cannot be named to protect the identity of the three victims. Yesterday, he was sentenced to a year of reformative training.

The man met his first victim in school in 2015. She was 12 then and regarded him as her best friend. In 2016, he pestered her for sex but she rejected his advances.

On May 20, he followed her home and had sex with her on her bed while using one hand to hold her down.

The victim said she did not struggle as she was worried he would no longer be her friend if she did not comply.

But they lost contact when he dropped out of school and started working. The girl made a police report saying she had been raped.

In 2017, the man met his second victim, a 15-year-old girl, through Facebook. During their second meeting on Feb 13 that year, they visited his mother in hospital.

They then had sex in his living room.

Her mother filed a police report two days later when she found out about the sexual encounter through a counsellor from the girl's school.

On Oct 31 that year, the man was arrested for drug offences, but was released on bail after getting charged on Feb 22 last year. The next month, while out on bail, he got into a relationship with a 13-year-old girl after being introduced by mutual friends.

She moved in with him in June last year, staying over whenever she quarrelled with her mother. They had sex for the first time on July 3 last year at a staircase landing.

The pair had sex three more times that month.

On July 8 last year, the girl quarrelled with her mother, who allegedly knocked her head against the wall.

The girl was taken to hospital for pain on her head.

There, she told the nurse she had been having sex with the man, and the nurse informed the police. The man was rearrested last year on June 23 and July 10 for drug and sex offences and has been in remand since July 12.

On Feb 20 this year, he pleaded guilty to the charges and admitted to having sex with the underage girls and consuming methamphetamine, or Ice.

He was convicted on three charges of sexual penetration of a minor and another charge of drug consumption. He will be sent to a reformative training centre to follow a strict regimen that includes counselling.

The New Paper

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